The pontoon bobs in the water, as the music swells. Bright, vivid colors, burst in the air. I have a moment of disbelief, during our Private Disney Fireworks Cruise. Am I really here?
I watched Disney movies as a kid, but I wasn’t really a Disney kid-fan. My favorite character as a child, was Lady Kluck, from Robin Hood. At a middle-school sleepover, my friend Becky suggests we watch The Little Mermaid. I am changed. It feels like Ariel is singing just to me. The music, the characters, the story, leaves me enchanted. Acquiring my own copy, I watch it once, every night, for an entire summer. When Beauty and the Beast debuts, I see it in the theater, eight times. The art of the animation, dazzles my eyes. All of the feelings stirred, molds me into an official Disney fanatic.
As repeat Disney Park visitors, we began adding a special activity into trips. Thus far we’ve taken, the Ferrytale Wishes Fireworks Dessert Cruise. The Behind the Seeds Tour at Epcot, and The Keys to the Kingdom Tour, at the Magic Kingdom. Being our Disney-versary trip, we want to do something memorable. But what? A Private Disney Fireworks Cruise, seems ideal.
Travel, Disney or otherwise, requires a generous level of flexibility. Though we pre-plan our preferred launch point, Wilderness Lodge, a need for new dock construction, changes our itinerary, only 24-hours in advance.
An hour before the fireworks begin, we meet our pontoon captain, at the Polynesian Resort. Our boat is adorned with anniversary decorations, to celebrate the occasion.

After a few photos, we’re off.

The cruise includes, a basket of snacks,

and non-alcoholic, drinks.

I’m most excited about the Mickey rice crispy treats. You are permitted to bring your own food and alcoholic beverages, on the boat. At the conclusion of the cruise, you can take whatever is not consumed.
Our friends bring fancy marshmallows, including gold & champagne flavor, from the special shop at Disney Springs. They are a tasty addition to our snack feast.
For the next hour, our captain, takes us on a tour of Bay Lake.

The now defunct Discovery Island, the famous shoe tree, and the Wilderness Lodge, bear face, are sights best seen from a boat.
The breeze ruffles our hair, on this perfect weather evening. The gorgeous sunset, is a cruise bonus.

The boat ride is magical, before the intended magic even begins.
As darkness envelopes the sky, our 25-foot pontoon boat, stakes a claim in front of the Magic Kingdom.
There are many other Private Disney Fireworks Cruise boats, parked around us. It reminds me of a Magic Kingdom, drive-in movie theater, but with boats, instead of cars.
Our Disney-versary trip, coincides with Disney World’s 50th Anniversary, so the fireworks show for this night, is Enchantment.

I’m a strange anomaly. I don’t cry easily when I feel sadness and grief. When the emotion of pure joy overtakes me, tears sprout.
At show start, the waterworks begin, as Mickey’s voice says,
“Oh boy, this place sure is swell! Some folks like to say that it all started with a dream, but you want to know what makes this place really special? It’s you! Each and every one of you! Anytime you set foot here, you leave this place brighter than it was before! You are the Magic!”

Mickey reminds me of one of my life’s goals. Not just at Disney, but everywhere I go, I like to leave that place, brighter than it was before. I want to add to the magic.

Our Private Disney Fireworks Cruise, is made more special, because we get to share it with friends. Friends who appreciate and love Disney and Disney Parks, as much as we do. Friends who understand the magic.
As the fireworks blaze through the sky, exploding in time to familiar songs, I picture angst-ridden-tween me, who felt imprisoned by tween/teen life. Now, here I am, an adult. Ariel would be proud, for in this moment, I am wandering free. I am Part of that World.

The icing on the boat ride cake, is seeing the Electrical Water Pageant. We get an up close and personal view of the floats.

With new drone shows, screen heavy, 4D rides, and other technology advancements, it makes my heart happy, that something as simple as the Electrical Water Pageant, continues to endure, and bring delight.

At first we thought of celebrating our 20 and 25-year anniversaries, with dinner at Victoria and Alberts, but found that the Private Disney Fireworks Cruise, is a third of the cost of the dinner. The cruise is more affordable than one would think. The boat seats up to 10 guests, so the price split between friends and/or family, can cost less than many other special activities.
A great captain, lake tour, sunset, unique, fireworks vantage point, and up close view of the Electrical Water Pageant, makes a Private Disney Fireworks Cruise, an outstanding experience. You can reserve a cruise to see the Magic Kingdom fireworks or the Epcot fireworks. I would not hesitate to reserve one on a future trip, especially, if it was a trip with friends. If you want something extra-special, to celebrate a notable occasion, consider booking a Private Disney Fireworks Cruise.

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