The paddles are in hand just after breakfast.

The morning mist still dances in the sky as we adjust to the quiet serenity of Saook Bay.

I can hardly believe my eyes. Saook Bay is more Alaska, than I imagined Alaska could be.
The colors on the horizon are stunning. Yellows fade to greens, that fade to bluish greens, that turn into moody gray.

The water in Saook Bay is still, except for the seals that splash near the shore. We spend quite some time idling in our kayak, watching the seals play.

Saook Bay is beyond peaceful. I feel wholly removed from the chaos of the outside world.

I want to bask in this tranquility forever.

A quick stop back on the ship for lunch, and we’re off on a bushwhack in Saook Bay.
The forest is thicker than the forest on our bushwhack the previous day.

We are engulfed in a chorus of angelic Alder trees.

Once again we revel in the fun of climbing and scrambling about like kids.

You may think that bears are enemy number one during a bushwhack, but it’s actually rare to come across a bear. What you will encounter EVERYWHERE is Devil’s Club. Devil’s Club (which due to my love of Harry Potter, I called Devil’s Snare all week), is a plant that will leave spiky presents in your skin if touched.

The problem with Devil’s Club is that it conveniently places itself near tricky parts of a path, just begging you to grab hold for extra support. I spend my whole week with George Bluth from Arrested Development echoing in my head,
“No touching!”
Our bushwhack leads to a pretty little waterfall.

Clear, crisp water, spills down the hill into small, shallow, pools.

It’s my first time walking through a waterfall. It’s very exciting.

Our Adventure Guide, Jess, conducts a Saook Bay, bushwhack, adventure pose, photo shoot.

Of course on an Uncruise excursion, we also learn a lot about the forest and Alaskan landscape.

Our group savors the final glimpses of scenery in Saook Bay, as we clamber back to the ship.

After dinner, one of the passengers, Jon, asks if anyone would mind if he played some music. Everyone is game.
Jon plays a few songs of his own. Then he plays some songs for the group to sing along to.
The guitar Jon is using, belongs to crew member Ben. Once Jon is finished, everyone encourages Ben to play. Ben plays a solo, and then convinces crew member Jess to join him for a few duets.
Once Jess and Ben are finished, they reveal that crew member Allison, is also an amazing musician. Of course everyone wants to hear Allison play.
Allison performs three of her own songs. They are delightful, just like Allison.
I am blown away by Jon and the crews’ talent. The completely unexpected music night adds extra magic to the day.

I’m already fighting the Sunday night blues. Tomorrow is our last full day on our Uncruise, but fortunately there is one last day of adventure to be had.

Comments are closed.
Drew Hannush
atWhat beautiful pictures. Yes Alaska being Alaska is a great thing. I really look forward to going back someday. Thanks for sharing some inspiration. I’ll be on the lookout for that Devil’s Club! Not something I want to get frequent flier miles with!
atI’d love to go back to see more of the state. It’s so huge it’s impossible to see it all in one trip.
Nina Clapperton
atI’ve always wanted to go to Alaska; that’s only been amplified by reading about your tour experience! What made you choose to do Alaska as a tour versus solo?
atWe actually did a little bit of both. We did the Uncruise because we knew we would get to kayak and bushwhack in places that they only go to. It was also nice having a week where we didn’t have to worry about logistics. We then did another two weeks in Alaska on land exploring on our own.
atThis sounds like a fun excursion! Are you given the waterproof boots for waterfall hiking, or do you have to bring your own??
atUncruise provides a packing list for each of their cruises so we brought our own boots. They did have extra boots available just in case someone didn’t bring their own. We also brought rain pants and a rain jacket which we also worn on all of the excursions.
atI loved seeing all the pictures and you described this trip so poetically! I’ve always wanted to visit Alaska!
atI think Alaska is a must visit. The scenery is unbelievable. I hope you get there someday.
Rob+Ann @TravelLatte(.net)
atYou’ve got us pretty well sold on Uncruise! This bay is just beautiful, and the colors are amazing. Can’t blame you for sitting still and quiet in your kayak to take it all in. Thanks for sharing with us at #WeekendWanderlust!
atThanks so much. I couldn’t imagine having done Alaska without Uncruise. We got to explore places most people don’t get to see. There was so much quiet and stillness.
Jill Chapman
atI love your photos! The Uncruise looks like a worthy travel idea and I’d love to do one someday.
atThanks. Uncruise is such a great adventure.
Victoria Marie Lees
atAbsolutely stunning photos and video of Alaska’s Saook’s Bay. Bill and I simply must go there. I’ve shared the post online. Thanks, always, for sharing your adventures with your followers.
atThanks so much. I hope you get there. All of Alaska was more amazing than we could have imagined.