To minimize reading and picture disappointment, I should tell you that, much like our Panama/Costa Rica Uncruise, when we didn’t see a single Iguana on Iguana Island, we see zero seals while visiting Seal Bay.
Low tide well under way, our group lands upon a rocky beach for our morning shore walk.
After receiving our daily “bear talk,” we’re happy to spy creatures that have no desire to eat us. That we know of. What does a limpet think about?

Fun Fact: The Uncruise Adventure Guides really love sharing this information tidbit-male limpets have the largest penis proportional to their body size than any other animal in the animal kingdom.
Gender of the limpet I’m holding, unknown.

We splash through the water, making our way from one side of this Alaskan landscape to the other.

“Let’s take some time to be silent. Just listen to the water. Enjoy the quiet,” encourages Alison, our Uncruise Adventure Guide.
Running water is one of my favorite sounds. As the group takes a moment to be silent and present, I’m in auditory heaven.

Walking towards the shore’s edge, I feel relaxed and calm.

Nature is amazing.
In the afternoon, we embark on a skiff tour. Alison is once again our guide.
We admired the view of the water from the shore earlier in the day, now we get a view of the shore from the water.

Though we have no luck spotting wildlife, we do get to gaze upon stunning, tree filled, mountains, reflecting off of the water.

A brief rain shower, or as the Uncruise Adventure Guides like to call it, “liquid sunshine,” creates pretty circular patterns, that stretch out across the bay.
Back on the ship, delicious glass of wine in hand, the call goes out over the intercom.

“Humpback whale to the right, humpback to the right!”
Already on the deck, I jaunt over to the ship’s right side.
The whale is far off in the distance, but we are able to keep track of it using its spout.
A second call echos through the air,
“Orcas, Orcas to your left!”
There is a blur of cameras, phones, and jackets, as passengers scamper to the opposite side of the ship.
Also in the distance, but closer than the Humpback, a pod of Orcas bob up and down, crossing in front of our Uncruise ship.

There is more excitement in the air, than a kid on Christmas morning (little do we know the awesomeness we will witness tomorrow). I’m completely enthralled, I’ve never seen an Orca in the wild before.

Whales long gone, most people linger on the deck, drinks in hand, chatter of whales and the day’s exploits on their lips.
Before we turn in to rest our tired bodies, Mother Nature has one more show for us. She closes out the day with a dazzling, sunset, finale.

Comments are closed.
atWhat an amazing experience! I’m ready to go now!
atWhile I was initially disappointed to see there would be no seal spotting at Seal Bay, you immediately made up for it with the tidbit about the limpet. Looks like a great day out!
Cynthia/Adventuring Woman
atWhat gorgeous vistas, and a stunning sunset. I really like the idea of an “un”cruise!
atYou almost lost me when you said there would be no seals at Seal Bay, but then you pulled me right back in with your tidbits about the limpet. Looks like a nice little trip!
Victoria Marie Lees
atAs usual, Sarah, I want to go and explore where you’ve been. My husband and I have discussed Alaska before. Now I can’t wait to show him your posts to be sure he understand WHY I need to discover the peace of the Alaskan beauty. Thanks for a great post. I’ve shared it online. All best to you!
atWhile you didn’t get to see any seals, I’m glad Mother Nature came through with the whales! I’ve never seen them in the wild either so I’m sure I’d be just as excited as you were!!
atIt must have been so amazing to see the orcas in the wild! Also…interesting little tidbit about the limpets XD
Lisa | Handmade in Israel
atI am sorry you didn’t see any seals but the rest of the day sounds amazing!
Erin | The Epicurean Traveler
atWell, that was a fun little fact about the limpet. And, what a bummer that you didn’t see any seals, but how incredible to see orcas in the wild! #WeekendWanderlust
atWhat a lovely hike, even without any seal sightings! But — orcas! Looks like a fun adventure.