The Practice of Patience
When I was a kid and got impatient, my mom would sing the Have Patience song. It was some high level Manchurian Candidate mind work, because to this day, if I’m waiting in line, and I get impatient, that song pops into my head.
We walk up to the entrance window at Rainbow Springs State Park, in Dullennon, Florida. The line is short, with only one man in front of us. The man is getting a new annual pass. It is an involved process that includes the filling out of paperwork, picture taking, and I believe a laminator. We are waiting, and waiting, and waiting. There’s no rush though. There is nothing else on our agenda for the day. We’re enjoying that sweet feeling of being somewhere new. Chit-chatting about our newly decided trip to Alaska, passes the time.
Finally the process is finished. The women at the window asks the man how many people would be joining him today. Those joining him get into the park for free. The man answers,
“Me, two are in the park already, and these two.” He points to us.
Snapping to attention, we do our best to brush off the surprise, and act as if this is what we were expecting the whole time.
We express our abundant gratitude.
The man says,
“I felt bad. It took a long time and you guys were being so patient.”
A few more words are exchanged, and then the man goes off to join his family.
I’m beaming. It isn’t the money. The entrance fee is only $2.00. I’m happy that all of those years being subject to the Have Patience song, finally paid off.
Rainbow Springs State Park
Up until the 70s, Rainbow Springs, was a theme park. They had a zoo, a rodeo, man-made waterfalls, and a monorail with leaf-shaped cars. They also had a submarine boat, and mermaids. It was the place to be until a man and mouse bought up some orange groves and built an empire.
Due to dwindling attendance, Rainbow Springs was shut down.
In the 90s, the State of Florida bought the land to save it from development, and thanks to volunteers from the community, the abandoned theme park, was turned into Rainbow Springs State Park.
Now I’m all about a good theme park, but Rainbow Springs has so much innate beauty, I’m glad it was turned back to a natural state.
As I mentioned in my swimming with manatees post, it was unusually cold when we visited Florida, but during warmer weather, you can have a swim in the stunningly blue swimming hole.
Although there are no swimmers on this day, there are plenty kayakers.
With no cares, we follow one path after another, just to see where they lead.
There are several hiking trails.
The yellow trail doesn’t seem too strenuous or long, and leads to a section of the old phosphate mine that was here prior to the theme park (before you think cool, old prospector mine, it’s really just a big hole in the ground).
The waterfalls are one of the last remnants of the old, amusement days. They are one of the highlights of the park.
Due to the chilly weather, the park is uncrowded. Though there are still other visitors, we often find ourselves completely alone in nature.
It’s peaceful and relaxing.
Once we are content that we explored the park to its fullest, we exit, and make our way to food.
Swampy’s Bar and Grill
I pick Swampy’s because it’s on the water,
and the name is fun.
Swampy’s = seafood goals.
Shannon gets the fish tacos, with a side of coleslaw.
I get the shrimp po boy, and since it’s my birthday weekend, I go all in with the loaded mashed potatoes as my side.
I need a moment as I bite into the soft, fresh bread, of the po boy. Just a little private time of glee between a girl and her sandwich.
Everything on the sandwich blends well. There is no element that overpowers. The mashed potatoes are creamy, cheesy, bacony, yummyness.
I take a bite of Shannon’s fish tacos and know that I would be just as happy if I ordered them.
It’s a lovely lunch.
Rainbow Springs State Park is an easy drive from Crystal River, Florida. It’s a gorgeous spot. The pictures don’t do it justice.I highly recommend visiting. Be sure to pack your swimsuit, your paddling arms, and if you end up in a situation like us, your patience.
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atOh man, that po boy looks intense. I could definitely do some damage there.
atI’m a po boy fan, and this one was great. I like spicy but not when it’s overwhelming and Swampy’s did a great job of giving it kick while I could still taste the rest of the ingredients
atWOW! This place is beautiful! What a great find.
atWoohoo! Patience pays off. Also, I want to stuff my face with that food.
atThe food was so good. It’s one of those places you wished you lived near so you go back more and try more things.
atMaybe only $2, but getting in free was still a nice treat!! I’m not really an amusement park person, but this one I can do! Lol. Also, my dad is from Louisiana, so I can definitely appreciate a good shrimp po’boy! It looks like a lovely place to spend an afternoon.
atIt was such a nice day. I’m glad we added a few extra days onto our trip so we visit the park.
atThis place looks so beautiful and tranquil…
atIt was. It’s funny to think that is was a former amusement park.
atI am a former resident of Florida and have never heard of Rainbow Springs or Swampy’s – but they both look worth a visit. What a good time. Especially the nice man in front of you in line. #weekendwanderlust
atThis place looks beautiful! I’ll definitely add it to my list for when I’m in Florida in a few months!